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British Human Rights Organisations’ United Campaign Saves Jennifer Dalquez From Execution!

Jennifer with her parents upon arrival in Philippines

[if !supportLists]• [endif]Mother of two sentenced to death in the United Arab Emirates after resisting and fighting of attempted rape at knifepoint by her employer;

[if !supportLists]• [endif]In 2017 following the intervention by British Human Rights organisations results in the United Nations halting Jennifer’s execution;

[if !supportLists]• [endif]Vigorous campaigning by British Human Rights organisations contributes to the release and repatriation of Jennifer Dalquez to her family on Thursday 1st of November, 2018

In May 2015, Jennifer Dalquez, mother of two children, a work migrant from the Philippines was convicted of the murder for her Emirati employer and subsequently sentenced to death. The scheduling of Jennifer’s execution was imminent however following the intervention of ‘The Voice of Domestic Workers’, ‘Justice Upheld’ and ‘Freedom Without Fear Platform’ as well as many other international organisations and individuals.

Marisa Begonia, Coordinator of ‘The Voice Domestic Workers’ based in London said: “ ‘The Voice of Domestic Workers’ is relieved and absolutely delighted that Jennifer Dalquez is finally reunited with her family after three years of torment and uncertainty. We are grateful to all the organisations who joined forces with ‘The Voice of Domestic Workers’, in particular ‘Justice Upheld ‘, ‘Freedom Without Fear Platform’ and many other organisations who galvanised support for this cause.

Our joint efforts have demonstrated that collective action and unity are formidable forces that resulted in Jennifer’s release. This victory is for Jennifer as well as for all domestic workers around the world who fall victim to gross Human Rights abuses which is nothing short of enslavement and sexual exploitation of female migrant workers. Their plights will no longer go ignored.”

Below is live conversation of The Vice of Domestic Workers with Jennifer Dalquez. Jennifer expressed her gratitude to all the people who prayed and helped her to finally get justice and freedom.

Petition during the campaign:

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The Voice of Domestic Workers,

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Justice Upheld,

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Freedom Without Fear Platform                           

Support Organisations;

Unite the Union.

Migrante International,

International Domestic Workers Federation,



One Billion Rising

Making Her Story.

Humanitarian Organisation for Migration and Economics (HOME)

Union Solidarity International

A Million Women Rise

Waling Waling

Justice and Peace

Missionary of Saint Columban

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